Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture can be defined by the processes we undertake, the practices we avoid and the outcomes our methods produce.
We undertake to practice an organic approach to land management. We apply Bio-dynamic methods to achieve best possible soil, plant and animal health. We practice low-stress stock handling. Animal welfare is front of mind every day. We use Holistic Grazing; a system developed that incorporate 4 features (high density stocking rate, short duration grazing, long rest for recovery and matching stocking rates to carrying capacity in this variable climate) to optimise grass growth, build soil structure and protect essential top soil and perennial grass species. We are “ecological agriculture” adherents. This means great effort has been undertaken to rebuild the functionality of the natural ecosystem. An example is the planting of native trees, shrubs, grasses & native aquatic plants. Another is the elimination of introduced pest species that impact native fauna.
We do not use herbicides, insecticides, fabricated so-called fertilisers, fungicides, chemical drenches, animal dips or other chemicals that kill and poison the animals and soil. We do not overgraze.
We seek to build a soil that is resilient to the shocks of extreme weather events like high rainfall, temperature or drought. A soil with good structure to allow air, excellent water infiltration and water holding capacity. A soil that cycles nutrients and eliminates disease causing pathogens. A soil full of a vast array of micro-organisms. We seek to sequester Carbon from the atmosphere and see it converted to stable forms in our soil – for the benefit of the soil and the planet’s climate. We seek to build a diverse range of dietary options for our sheep; grass species, plus leaf & seed from a wide variety of native trees & shrubs. We seek to produce nutrient dense food for our customers that not only tastes great, but is good for them.
We will persist in rebuilding the ecosystem damaged from almost 200 years of European settlement with evidence of greater biodiversity our measure of success. We will bring back the birds. We respect the indigenous people who are the traditional owners of this land, aim to learn from their wise knowledge of landscape management and protect remnants of their culture and history.